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Купить книгу It Starts With Passion. Do What You Love and Love What You Do, автора Keith  Abraham
It Starts With Passion. Do What You Love and Love What You Do
How to ignite your passion, live with purpose, and succeed in life and business No matter what you want to achieve in life, the secret to doing it is passion. For people to be happy, they need to find meaning in what they do and in the roles they play in their lives, careers, and communities. When we identify the personal passions that drive us, the byproduct is focus, satisfaction, and achievement. But it's not always easy to find our passions. In this book, Keith Abraham shows you how to ignite the passion in your life, as well as in the lives of your colleagues, employees, and associates. He includes in-depth research, easy-to-understand concepts, inspirational stories, and clear visual models to show you how to find out what's meaningful to you and pursue it with passion and energy. In the process, Abraham shows you what you can achieve when you align your purpose, passion, and personal goals. Offers effective advice on how to inspire passion and purpose in yourself, your colleagues, and your employees Written by a Certified Speaking Professional and bestselling author of self-help titles Ideal for business owners and managers who want to inspire better performance in their teams When you understand the «why» of what you're doing, the «how» becomes the easy part. This handy, enlightening guide shows you how to find your «why» so you can make your «how» happen.
Купить книгу Positive Thinking. Find happiness and achieve your goals through the power of positive thought, автора Hasson Gill
Positive Thinking. Find happiness and achieve your goals through the power of positive thought
Bestselling author Gill Hasson is back to help you learn how the power of positive thinking can change your life Are you stuck in a rut? Do you feel plagued by negative thoughts and emotions every day? Gill Hasson, the bestselling author of Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence, is back to help you move on from those pesky negative emotions and focus on the positive instead. Gill's practical and reassuring approach to the benefits of positive thinking will have you applying it to your own life every day. If you struggle to see past setbacks both at work and at home, it can be tricky not to let those negative emotions affect you in every area of your life. This book will give readers the tools to view life with a positive outlook and charge ahead in achieving goals that once seemed out of reach. Learn how to: Identify the triggers for negative thoughts and understand how to turn them into positive ones Deal with setbacks and make the most out of negative situations Improve your happiness by accepting situations and learning how to move forward Understand how the power of positive thinking can help you achieve your goals The power of positive thinking is not a new idea; it's been around long enough to become almost a cliché, but there's a reason behind its longevity: positivity works. This book shows you how to break through the clouds today, and start working toward the life you want.
Купить книгу Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book. Practical tools and exercises to give you a kick in the pants, автора Shaa  Wasmund
Stop Talking, Start Doing Action Book. Practical tools and exercises to give you a kick in the pants
A motivational kick in the pants to get the most out of your life Have you got an itch? To start your own business, go to the North Pole, retrain, lose weight, get promoted, learn to play the ukulele? Or do you just have a nagging sense that there must be more to life? If there is something you really want to do, but secretly fear you'll never do it then you need this book. The original Stop Talking Start Doing helped readers to move from talking to doing. To climb into the ring and face their fears about making their thing happen. It helped readers to understand why they had fears and why starting was easier than they thought. It encouraged them to start somewhere, anywhere. The Stop Talking Start Doing Action Book will help you to identify where or what that starting point should be, and how to build from there to make your thing happen. It will help you to evaluate why you have procrastinated until now and identify the small steps you need to take to make it happen. But it will help you to plan beyond that. It will help you see how you can execute your idea through small, simple steps that are right for you, rather than one undefined, daunting task. Find sources of inspiration that work for you and learn how you can draw upon them as you go, draw confidence from previous experiences, and find the self-discipline you need to make swift decisions along the way. Identify your personal starting point Take the first steps to set your plan into motion Find your inspiration and self-discipline Build confidence in your quick decisions along the way
Купить книгу Real Focus. Take control and start living the life you want, автора Psychologies Magazine
Real Focus. Take control and start living the life you want
Psychologies, the leading magazine for intelligent people, provides their inspirational yet rigorous approach to the perennial topic of focus, to include topics of mindfulness, clarity and productivity. How are you today? We would hazard a guess that your answer will be along the lines of 'I'm so busy,' 'I feel so frazzled,' or 'what-am-I doing-even reading-this-book, I've got so much to do!' However, we also suspect that you know in your heart of hearts, that life's not supposed to feel like this. You're not supposed to feel like you're in a hamster wheel that you can't get off; that life is a ‘whirlwind' or ‘one never-ending To Do list.' You know there has to be another way – but what is it? Well here it is: Real Focus. Written in association with Psychologies Magazine the leading magazine for intelligent people, covering work, personal development and lifestyle issues Real Focus is: Packed full of tips, techniques and advice to help you focus in on what matters Based on scientific evidence and cutting edge global research Rigorous with credible content presented in a light and accessible manner Inspirational yet down to earth and practical
Купить книгу Persuade. Using the seven drivers of motivation to master influence and persuasion, автора Philip  Hesketh
Persuade. Using the seven drivers of motivation to master influence and persuasion
Learn how to influence others and get your own way more often Wouldn't it be great if you could get the pay rise you've asked for, win the business you've pitched for or get that job you so desperately want? Well, with this book you can learn how to get inside the head of the person making the decision and find out exactly what is it that's going to get them to say yes! Persuade explains the seven psychological drivers that motivate us all. By understanding these drivers and the impact they have on our own lives, we can gain valuable insights into how we can motivate ourselves, improve our relationships, negotiate more effectively, get people to like us and ultimately get our own way more often. Persuade: Is written in Philip's trademark humorous, yet well-researched style Draws from scientific and psychological sources Is delivered in short, accessible, bite-sized chapters
Купить книгу S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On). The Straight-Talking Guide to Succeeding in Life, автора Paul  McGee
S.U.M.O (Shut Up, Move On). The Straight-Talking Guide to Succeeding in Life
Celebrating 10 Years of Shut Up, Move On! Paul McGee's international bestselling personal development heavyweight S.U.M.O. has helped hundreds of thousands of people around the world fulfil their potential, seize opportunities, succeed at work, and respond to adverse situations with a positive attitude. Weighing in with humour, insight, practical tips, and personal anecdotes, it's a thought provoking—and possibly life-changing—read. Now newly updated to celebrate 10 years since its first publication and including up-to-date case studies and examples, as well brand new exercises to test yourself, S.U.M.O: 10th Anniversary Edition will help SUMO fans, as well as SUMO amateurs, get more out of this bestselling, self-help classic. There are six S.U.M.O. principles that are designed to help you create and enjoy a brilliant life: Change Your T-Shirt— take responsibility for your own life and don't be a victim. Develop Fruity Thinking— change your thinking and change your results. Hippo Time is OK— understand how setbacks affect you and how to recover from them. Remember the Beachball— increase your understanding and awareness of other people's world. Learn Latin— change comes through action not intention. Overcome the tendency to put things off. Ditch Doris Day— create your own future rather than leave it to chance. Forget the attitude ‘que sera, sera, whatever will be, will be.'
Купить книгу Passion Into Profit. How to Make Big Money From Who You Are and What You Know, автора Andy  Harrington
Passion Into Profit. How to Make Big Money From Who You Are and What You Know
It's time to get paid what you're truly worth Although you may not realise it, the knowledge and knowhow you have acquired in your life to date is a truly marketable asset. You've made valuable distinctions because of your passions and have unique empathy and understanding because of your pains. Through this book you will come to understand how other people are ready and willing to pay you money to know what you already know and to do what you can already do. You don’t need to be qualified, certified or have letters after your name. Your qualification to do this work is your life experiences, your passion for helping others and your determination to make a difference. Andy Harrington has worked with Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Robert Kiyosaki, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor and even Former President of the United States Bill Clinton, and through this book he will show you how to find and shape the message inside of you, and importantly, in such a way that you get paid for sharing your advice. You will also discover how to: Position yourself as an expert so you are seen as an authority. Prepare your advice so it's easy for others to follow. Package your knowledge into programs, workshops, and books. Promote yourself intelligently so you get paid what you are really worth. Perform like a professional with confidence, congruency and charisma. In his debut book Andy shows you how to harness your experiences and turn them into advice for others whilst becoming a person of influence, impact and inspiration. “You have incredible untapped potential – residing within yourself – in your own talents and abilities. This book shows you how to achieve all your goals by focusing on making a difference with what you already have.” Brian Tracy, Brian Tracy International
Купить книгу The Little Book of Clarity. A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind, автора Jamie  Smart
The Little Book of Clarity. A Quick Guide to Focus and Declutter Your Mind
Imagine what you could achieve if you could only clear your mind The Little Book of Clarity shows you how to clear your head and get things done. Based on bestselling book, Clarity, this new edition has been distilled to the essentials, getting right to the point. With no vague theory or superfluous anecdotes, this book gets you right to work reducing stress and boosting productivity by uncovering your mind's in-built «self-clearing» capacity. As you begin to understand the concept of innate thinking, the benefits will start emerging in every corner of your life. As you think less, you'll win more – at work, at home, and at the game of life as a whole. You'll rid your mind of clutter for good as you focus on what matters, and finally free up the time you need to pursue your dreams. Life's constant bombardment of «to-do» and «urgent» pushes your own priorities clear off the radar. Before you know it, you're always busy, but not getting very much accomplished. Personal goals fall by the wayside as you struggle just to keep up with day-to-day life. This book shows you how to cut the noise and clear the fog, and start working on what matters to you. Harness the power of insight and principles Discover your true identity and innate wisdom Build better relationships and stronger connections Discard toxic goals and pursue authentic desires Clarity is the mind's natural state, a state to which it will always return if given the chance. Although it's evident in children, most adults have had this ability conditioned out of them by our «go-go-go» society, leaving them mentally muddy, stressed, and ineffectual. The Little Book of Clarity helps you erase that conditioning and gain the peace of mind to live a life you love – permanently.
Купить книгу The Gift of Time. How Delegation Can Give you Space to Succeed, автора Gail  Thomas
The Gift of Time. How Delegation Can Give you Space to Succeed
From us to you… the precious gift of freedom from your unbearable workload and space to breathe! What is the main thing that stops you doing all those things you'd love to do? That stops you trying a new idea, starting a new hobby, looking for new opportunities or finishing that long-overdue project. It's time isn't it? It certainly is for most of us. We're all drowning in work – never-ending to-do lists, constant deadlines one after the other, too many emails to possibly answer! If only some of that load could be lifted. If only we could find some space, some breathing room, some time to actually think. It would mean we could try new things, think creatively, do our best rather than just enough to get it done and off our plate. Certainly in work, business growth is dependent on creative thinking and innovation – you need time to do that. If you want to succeed in your career, or make more room in your life for the nonwork stuff, then you need to free up some time. And what's the key to finding time? Delegation. Let Gail Thomas teach you to art of delegation. Stop wasting your time on tasks you're overqualified for and see how you actually can focus on the important stuff. And you won't just learn how to delegate 'down' – Gail will also help you master upwards delegation. The Gift of Time includes: How proper delegation can lead to a more successful career and a happier life Solid research into the value of delegation in real monetary terms An examination of the attitudes and barriers to delegation and how to overcome them Different types of delegation – not just 'downward delegation' but upwards and sideways delegation, silent and stakeholder delegation Articles by guest writers – experts in particular areas, such as parental delegation Case studies to illustrate exactly how effective delegation has been done to great results
Купить книгу Unstoppable. Using the Power of Focus to Take Action and Achieve your Goals, автора Pete  Wilkinson
Unstoppable. Using the Power of Focus to Take Action and Achieve your Goals
BE DETERMINED. BE DRIVEN. BE UNSTOPPABLE. Don't just coast through life – power through. Stop making plans that don't come to fruition. Everyone's busy, but nobody's getting much done. It's time to start achieving our life goals and not letting life itself get in the way. GET ORGANIZED. LEAD. BUILD RELATIONSHIPS. DELIVER RESULTS. With training from accomplished business coach and endurance triathlete Pete Wilkinson, you'll learn how to hone a razor sharp focus, keep driving through to the finishing line and become what you've always wanted to be. You'll learn how to be more productive, expand your support system, and make things happen. You'll discover your strengths and weaknesses, and how to leverage one and delegate the other. With a practical, straightforward action plan for life, Unstoppable will help you: Gain a crystal-clear overall focus Direct your attention to key areas of priority Lead yourself and others more effectively Make the most of each day's 86,400 seconds Improve personal and professional relationships So, dust off your aspirations and drag them into the light. Get rid of the frustration, regain your focus, and start making your goals a priority. Unstoppable gives you a roadmap to your very best destination.
Купить книгу How To Deal With Difficult People. Smart Tactics for Overcoming the Problem People in Your Life, автора Hasson Gill
How To Deal With Difficult People. Smart Tactics for Overcoming the Problem People in Your Life
DON’T LET PROBLEM PEOPLE GET TO YOU! Whether it’s a manager who keeps moving the goal posts, an uncooperative colleague, negative friend, or critical family member, some people are just plain hard to get along with. Often, your immediate response is to shrink or sulk, become defensive or attack. But there are smarter moves to make when dealing with difficult people. This book explains how to cope with a range of situations with difficult people and to focus on what you can change. This book will help you to: Understand what makes difficult people tick and how best to handle them Learn ways to confidently stand up to others and resist the urge to attack back Develop strategies to calmly navigate emotionally-charged situations Deal with all kinds of difficult people – hostile, manipulative and the impossible Know when to choose your battles, and when to walk away Why let someone else’s bad attitude ruin your day? How to Deal With Difficult People arms you with all the tools and tactics you need to handle all kinds of people – to make your life less stressful and a great deal easier.
Купить книгу Black Hole Focus. How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives, автора Isaiah  Hankel
Black Hole Focus. How Intelligent People Can Create a Powerful Purpose for Their Lives
"…an absurdly motivating book." –A.J. Jacobs, New York Times bestselling author Don’t get stuck on a career path you have no passion for. Don’t waste your intelligence on something that doesn’t really mean anything more to you than a paycheck. Let Isaiah Hankel help you define a focus so powerful that everything in your life will be pulled towards it. Create your purpose and change your life. Be focused. Be fulfilled. Be successful. Black Hole Focus has been endorsed by top names in business, entrepreneurship, and academia, including 4 times New York Times bestseller AJ Jacobs and Harvard Medical School Postdoc Director Dr. Jim Gould. The book is broken up into 3 different sections; the first section shows you why you need a purpose in life, the second section shows you how to find your new purpose, and the third section shows you how to achieve your goals when facing adversity. In this book, you will learn: How to understand what you really want in life and how to get it Why people with a powerful purpose live to 100 How to rapidly improve focus and change your life using the secret techniques of an international memory champion How people like Jim Carrey, Oprah Winfrey, and J.K. Rowling transformed pain into purpose How to start a business by avoiding willpower depletion and the life hack lie Black Hole Focus includes exclusive case studies from medical practitioners, research scientists, lawyers, corporate executives and small business owners who have used the techniques described in this book to achieve massive success in their own lives. About the Author: Dr. Hankel is an internationally recognized expert in the biotechnology industry and prolific public speaker. He's given over 250 seminars in 22 different countries while working with many of the world's most respected companies and institutions, including Harvard University, Oxford University, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly & Company, Baxter International and Pfizer. Dr. Hankel uses the science of purpose and the principles of entrepreneurship to help people achieve their biggest goals.